Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Fresh Ideas...

Summer is almost here!  So, in the hot weather, besides Bob Marley on my car stereo, my sunroof open, and sandals on my feet, I like to eat meals that are cool and crisp!

This is one meal that is simply "Crisp summer deliciousness!"

The Zucchini Wrap

With this recipe you need a dehydrator machine, but if you don't have one, just cook your wraps in your oven on 118 degrees for a few hours or until they firm up.

In a food processor or Kitchen Ninja, blend 2 small zucchinis, 3/4 cup of golden flax meal, and some coconut nectar (about 1/4 cup). 

Spread onto dehydrator sheets until thin (same if using oven).  I make 4 wraps at a time.  Dehydrate on 118 degrees for 2 hours on one side, then flip and dehydrate for 2 more hours or until firm, but pliable.

Then, fill your wrap with avocado, tomato, fresh basil, spinach, and a little soy-free vegan mayo.   They will last in your fridge for 5 days.