Friday, November 6, 2015

Gluten Free Vegan Cailflower Parmesan

I tried this recipe last night and this is how it turned out!

YUMMY!!!!!   AMAZING!!!!!!

So, first, you just slice your raw cauliflower into "steaks" like this:

For a serving just for myself, I sliced two of these hunks. 

Then, you dredge your "steaks" in

1.  Gluten free oat flour (or all purpose if you are not gluten free)
2.  Almond milk (or beaten egg if you are not vegan)
3.  Flax meal with added seasonings (garlic powder, onion powder, salt, pepper, and dried basil) (or just use any store bought breadcrumbs)

Line a baking pan with parchment paper and spray the paper with coconut oil spray.  You really don't even need the parchment.

Bake on 425 for 15 minutes and then flip each steak and bake for another 15 minutes or until the coating is as crispy as you like.  The cauliflower on the inside will be moist and delicious like a firm potato consistency.  You really can't burn this!

Then, top with a marinara sauce of your choice and a cheese of your choice.

I use a vegan parmesan cheese, but anything will do.  


If anyone is interested, I buy my parmesan at Whole Foods.  Here it is:

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Summer Pics!

I sooooo enjoyed myself this summer!

Feels great to be healthy inside and out!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Fresh Ideas...

Summer is almost here!  So, in the hot weather, besides Bob Marley on my car stereo, my sunroof open, and sandals on my feet, I like to eat meals that are cool and crisp!

This is one meal that is simply "Crisp summer deliciousness!"

The Zucchini Wrap

With this recipe you need a dehydrator machine, but if you don't have one, just cook your wraps in your oven on 118 degrees for a few hours or until they firm up.

In a food processor or Kitchen Ninja, blend 2 small zucchinis, 3/4 cup of golden flax meal, and some coconut nectar (about 1/4 cup). 

Spread onto dehydrator sheets until thin (same if using oven).  I make 4 wraps at a time.  Dehydrate on 118 degrees for 2 hours on one side, then flip and dehydrate for 2 more hours or until firm, but pliable.

Then, fill your wrap with avocado, tomato, fresh basil, spinach, and a little soy-free vegan mayo.   They will last in your fridge for 5 days.


Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Feed Your Taste Bud Cravings!

Just an update...

Since I have changed my eating ways, completely cutting out processed foods and increasing my vegetable intake, I have not had one cold, respiratory illness, or digestive issue.  This is now going on almost a year and a half!  Yes!  My gallbladder is still with me people!  Don't forget that a year and a half ago doctors told me I would have to have it removed!  I also had a mammogram last month and I am still cancer free!

I am finding through this new way of eating, that our taste buds do crave the following tastes and textures:

- sweet
- tangy
- crunchy (crispy)
- salty
- creamy
- fluffy

What I Used to Eat
What I Eat Now
sweet Candy, chocolate, cakes Homemade chocolate (in previous post), add maple syrup to any dish, fruit, mashed fruit toppings
tangy Any store bought sauce with high fructose corn syrup, dyes, MSG, sugar, preservatives Mashed apricots with maple syrup and apple cider vinegar, dehydrated fruit leather
crunchy Chips, toasted bread, french fries Dehydrated sweet potatoes, kale, baked sweet potato fries, dehydrated flax chips (ground flax meal, coconut nectar, and zucchini spread thin on dehydrator tray overnight)

Overcooked "Nature Pats" in previous post
salty salt, pretzels, crackers Pink Himalayan Salt (less salt, but I still eat salt) :)
Dehydrate some banana or sweet potato slices and sprinkle with salt.
creamy Dairy Ice cream, pudding, cream cheese, goat cheese, all melted cheese Coconut or almond milk ice cream, almond chocolate pudding, Daiya Cheeses, pudding made from avocado, cacao powder, and maple syrup
fluffy Pizza crust, bread, pasta Pizza crust made from almond flour or cauliflower, almond flour bread (gluten free), sweet potato gnocchi

In a VEGAN mood?

I have stumbled upon the most amazing youtube "cooking" videos!  This girl, Laura Miller, is absolutely fantastic!

Please check her out and subscribe! 


It's SPRING!!!

Time to get the garden ready for planting!
I am NO Green Thumb, so this is my goal for a positive experience:

cherry tomatoes

We shall start with that.

Looking forward to wearing a bikini for the first time since college! 

Friday, February 13, 2015

A Day in the Life... What do I eat?

So in the real world, when I can't travel 1 hour and 40 minutes to my favorite raw, vegan Cafe Love in Durham, or 2 and 1/2 hours to my other favorite raw place, Luna's Living Kitchen in Charlotte,  or when I just don't have the money to visit my favorite vegan restaurant in Raleigh, The Fiction Kitchen, I have to live day by day in the real world.

So, what does that look like?

Well, it's kind of a mess at first, and extremely difficult and expensive, but then, after about 5 months, it started becoming second nature, and cheap!  Now, I just whip things up from my pantry and I'm always satisfied.  The best part is that I actually enjoy what I eat.

An even better part is that I have not been sick in any way, shape, or form since I started this lifestyle change one year ago.  Yes, I mean no colds, no respiratory infections, no coughs, no sinusitis, no upset stomachs, no indigestion, no acid reflux, and my usual migraines of every other week have reduced to once every 3 months!  I used to have some form of cough, cold, or respiratory problem every winter since high school.  

I mean, what is going on?  Am I really controlling my health just by controlling my diet?  That is a miracle!  And yes! My gallbladder still has permanent residence in my body, and it's pretty comfortable and pain free!

The food...

As a reminder, I only drink water as a beverage.  No caffeine.  I have a cup of hot decaffeinated organic tea with honey on cold days.

BREAKFAST (around 7 am.)

ONE of the following:
- Fresh fruit of some kind (as much as I want)
- Organic peanut or almond butter on a slice of brown rice toast
- A serving of my Vegan Protein Shake
- A shake made with almond milk, almond butter, and enjoy life chocolate chips
- A shake made with frozen raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, spinach, and coconut water

** A special weekend breakfast treat every other weekend:
- sweet potato pancakes with sauteed apples (recipe on bottom of post)
- 2 slices of gluten free, vegan cornbread (from Fiction Kitchen)

SNACK (around 10 am.)

ONE of the following:
- raw veggies dipped in hummus
- handful of Enjoy Life chocolate chips
- handful of either almonds, cashews, macadamia nuts, pecans, or walnuts (raw and unsalted!)
- Any snack listed in my first blog post
- half a Hail Merry Miracle Tart (found at The Fresh Market or Nature's Own Market) 

LUNCH (around 12 noon)

- SALAD!  Greens containing a mixture of kale, spinach, iceberg, romaine, spring mix, anything green...

 I don't eat meat, but feel free to top your salad with any grilled meat!

I top my salad with combinations of anything from this list:

- mushrooms
- onions
- tomatoes
- cucumbers
- carrots
- avocado
- strawberries
- sun-dried tomatoes
- regular tomatoes
- olives
- bell peppers
- nuts (almond slivers, walnuts, cashews, pecans, macadamia (raw and unsalted and unsweetened!)
- sunflower seeds
- pumpkin seeds

Anything without dairy and gluten and I only eat dressings with 5 ingredients or less.  No high fructose corn syrup or any dyes.

I often make my own dressing by mixing regular organic yellow mustard and organic honey

I love the Brianna's Homestyle Dressings too!


- baked sweet potato
- black bean soup
- Around 10 of my "Nature Pats" featured in previous post
- A veggie burger on a gluten free bun (yes, I eat the bun that contains egg) On the side, I have a small salad and I put Vegenaise or barbecue mayo on my burger

- vegan chili (just kidney beans, pinto beans, onions, organic catsup, and chili powder) I scoop up the chili with some homemade flax chips.

Homemade Flax Chips:

In a food processor, blend one large zucchini, a cup of ground flax meal, a quarter cup of coconut nectar, and a little water if it is too chunky.

Spread onto dehydrator tray sheets (very thin) and dehydrate overnight.

Break apart into chip sizes and enjoy!

Refrigerate leftovers.


- Sun-dried tomatoes and olives from the olive bar at Harris Teeter with vegan cream cheese on brown rice toast (if I didn't have toast already for breakfast)

- An avocado, tomato, sprout sandwich (brown rice toast) with vegan, soy free mayo and flax chips on the side with sweet, all natural relish to dip the chips

SNACK ( around 3:30 pm)

Any snack listed on the first blog post or snacks listed above.
- the other half of my Hail Merry Tart
Many times, I am just not hungry for this snack.  

DINNER ( around 6 pm)

Any ONE of the following:

- Paleo Gluten free pizza (from first post - Julian Bakery)
  Topped with natural tomato sauce, vegan Daiya cheese, veggies
- Around 10 of my "Nature Pats" with a side salad
- Black bean soup
- Any kind of sushi dish with BROWN not white rice!
I love California rolls, smoked salmon with vegan cream cheese, sweet potato rolls, shrimp and avocado, etc...
- Vietnamese Spring Rolls with any natural filling and dip in all natural Hoisin Sauce or homemade peanut dipping sauce (tons of recipes on the internet) 

Moisten the wrap with warm water, fill, and roll like a burrito.

Dipping sauce
(at Whole Foods)

More dinner ideas:

- Brown rice pasta with tomato sauce and vegan parmesan cheese
- A big salad topped with your choice of protein (grilled meat)
- The traditional healthy dinner: Grilled chicken, steak, or fish, with a side of steamed veggies and baked sweet potato.  (I don't do the meat thing.)
- Spaghetti squash topped with grilled shrimp and fresh garlic.  (just spray pad with olive or coconut oil spray).

- Fruit
- Any snack listed above or from my first blog
- Serving of coconut milk or almond milk ice cream

~ Sweet Potato Pancake Recipe ~

Sweet potato flour - available on

- Mix about a half a cup of flour with enough unsweetened, organic apple sauce to make into a pancake batter consistency

- Spray a pan with organic coconut oil cooking spray

- BEFORE turning on the heat, wet your hands and pat the mixture down into the pan.  Trust me, a spatula will not work!

Now, turn the heat on medium and cook until crispy on one side.  You have to overcook a little or pancake will break when you flip.

It takes practice to get it to look this good.  ;)

Then, spray some more coconut oil into your pan and sauté some organic apple slices.

Now, put it all together and top with some all natural maple syrup and some Ceylon Cinnamon.  Not cinnamon sugar silly!

Oh yea baby!  This is NO diet!
This is living!

Updated pics...


Wednesday, January 7, 2015


NATURE PATS are my little pieces of happiness!

I wanted something fun, crispy, portable, dippable, and tasty.

Oh, and I wanted something filling too!

Click on the recipe video below and then scroll down for fun variations.

(Click this video link if video will not play.)

Then, just bake on 350 for 20 minutes, flip, and bake another 20 minutes.  
The longer they cook, the crispier they become!  

Veggie/s zucchini, onion, grilled mushrooms zucchini & boiled sweet potato zucchini & onion spinach & boiled potato

Flour brown rice arrowroot coconut  almond

Seeds golden flax seed meal & sunflowers golden flax seed meal & walnuts golden flax seed meal golden flax seed meal

Spices Salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, cayenne salt, cinnamon  salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder

Protein/s garbanzo beans none cooked shrimp none

Condiments unsweetened catsup, all natural barbeque sauce, honey mustard honey or agave all natural mango chutney

unsweetened catsup

Sunday, January 4, 2015


If you would like to skip my story and get right to the food, just scroll down to the section labeled "THE FOOD."

My Story

On January 25th, 2014, I had to go to the emergency room.  After enjoying my son's birthday party, I realized I had eaten 3 hot dogs, potato salad, baked beans, chips and salsa, Mexican desserts, and probably a lot more.  At around 11pm, I was in excruciating pain.

When I arrived at the emergency room with my husband, after dropping my kids off at my mother's house, I was hooked up to an I.V. and was given every test in the book from x-rays to scans to blood work to an ultrasound.  I remember the turning point for me.  I looked over at my husband who had his head in his hands, sitting in a chair.  Just three weeks prior I had underwent a mastectomy because of breast cancer.  He didn't reveal to me, until after we found out the good news that the cancer was noninvasive, that he had been extremely worried the entire time.  And here we were once again, in the hospital, waiting for more news.  

As I laid there in that hospital bed, I said to myself, "What is going on with my body?  I'm so young.  I am the organic queen!  Why am I so unhealthy?  Why am I overweight?"  Well, I was eating all the wrong stuff and NEVER exercising.  "Organic," by the way, may also mean loaded with processed ingredients including soy and wheat.  

I am 5ft. 6in. and I was 177 lbs. at that moment (Size XL 12-14).  This might not seem so bad, but I was technically overweight.  Not to mention the fact that I had a hernia all along, but it was covered in fat!  I didn't even know it was there! After I lost so much weight, I noticed something poking out of my stomach.  It turned out to be part of my intestines.  Yuck!  I never wanted to go outside.  I never wanted to go to parties.  I never wanted to dress up.  I was miserable on the inside.  :(  My husband always told me I was beautiful, but even though I knew I was a beautiful person, I was compromising my health and my life.  I wanted to be around for him and my children, so I knew a change was imperative or more trips to the ER were going to be in my future.  

So, just to show you the difference, I wanted to post a few pictures.

This was after I lost 30 lbs. (before my hernia repair and breast reconstruction).  It took FIVE months!  So, patience and determination are key.

Hernia repair and breast reconstruction on August 14, 2014

... and this is me now (total weigh loss - 43 lbs.)
Size 4-6 small shirt and small/med. pants

So, what was the diagnosis during my trip to the ER?
I had a massive gallbladder attack and gallstones.

The ER Doctor told me that they remove gallbladders from 12 year olds because of DIET.  Yes, DIET.

I was shocked!

After losing a breast, I was not about to give up another body part.  At that moment, I went on a quest!  A quest to keep my gallbladder.

The internet said it was impossible.  The gastrointestinal specialist snickered and said, "Well, I guess you can try a change in diet.  Watch out for those oily salad dressings and too much fat!"  

On January 25th 2015, it will mark one year later and one year since I have had so much as a gallbladder pain and not one gallbladder attack!  I have not had a migraine in 4 months (used to get one every month since teen years), I feel amazing, I have energy and I am almost NEVER hungry.  I only get hungry when I forget to eat.  LOL!

By the way, I still have my gallbladder!  :)  


Okay, before I get to the food, I must reveal to you that I pushed my double stroller with my two kids in it 2 miles every day of every week except Sunday.  It took me about 30 minutes each time.  

I just walked!  All I did was WALK!

I have been getting lazy since my surgery on August 14th.  I have only done some light walking.  For the past 2 months I have been choreographing some dances for one of my middle school's dance team.  I plan on increasing the cardio activities and adding some weight lifting soon.  

First of all, I am not going to tell you how to cook for your entire family.  Will they eat this new way?  Heck no!  Not at first anyway. Here's the deal though.  YOU need to concentrate on YOU first so that you are around to continue to cook for them.  A hint from my perspective though - lots of casseroles, crock pot dishes, and pasta with turkey meat sauce for them!  

Where to buy food?  Whole foods in Chapel Hill, Raleigh, or any Whole Foods, Food Lion in 7 Lakes, Harris Teeter in Aberdeen or any Harris Teeter, Lowe's Foods in Pinehurst, The Fresh Market in Southern Pines, and Nature's Own Market in Southern Pines.


I never count calories, I never worry about eating past 8 pm, and I never stop eating before I am satisfied.

Go on the internet and look up Paleo desserts!  Although I am not following a Paleo Diet, these desserts are awesome!  They include natural ingredients like almond flour, maple syrup, raisins, and flax seeds.

Check out this recipe for caramel!
Here is an amazing recipe I found somewhere, but I don't remember where.

Flax Sees Muffins (Great for breakfast or an anytime snack).


2 cups flax seed meal or ground flax seeds ( I like golden flax better than dark flax)
4 egg whites
2 whole eggs    (substitute eggs with 1/2 cup unsweetened apple sauce if vegan)
1 - 2 tablespoons coconut oil melted
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup water
or Enjoy Life Chocolate Chips if you like

Mix all dry ingredients then add the wet. Stir together.  Then stir in raisins, craisins, or chocolate chips.   Place in cupcake papers in cupcake tins.  Bake at 350 for about 17 minutes or fully cooked. 

Let cool and top with honey before eating if you like.

The Healthy Cookie!  (not my recipe either)


2 cups Almond Flour or walnut flour
1 cup coconut flour
1/2 cup Virgin Coconut Oil, unrefined melted
1/2 cup maple syrup
3 Eggs  (1/2 cup unsweetened apple sauce if vegan)
1 tsp Baking Soda
1 tsp Salt
1 tsp Vanilla Extract  (sometimes I leave out the vanilla)
1 1/2 cups Enjoy Life Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips or raisins


Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
In a medium sized mixing bowl combine dry ingredients including pumpkin spice or cinnamon if making raisin cookies.
In a small mixing bowl beat eggs, maple syrup, and vanilla extract with a hand mixer.
Pour wet ingredients into dry and beat with hand mixer until combined.
Melt coconut oil, pour into batter, and continue to blend until combined.
Stir in chocolate chips.
On a parchment lined baking sheet, place desired size of cookies.  They will not rise or expand, so make them the size you want.
Bake for 15 - 17 minutes.



1 cup Almond Flour 
1 cup coconut flour
3/4 cup unsweetened organic apple sauce
3/4 cup maple syrup
1 tbsp Baking Soda
1 tsp Salt
Enough water to form into dough (about 1/4 cup)
1 cup Enjoy Life Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips or raisins

Spray pan with coconut oil
Flatten cookies onto pan (they will not rise)
Place into oven that was preheated 350 degrees
Bake for 15 minutes or until bottoms brown


Paleo Chocolate Ice Cream

1 13.5 oz can of full fat coconut milk
3 small ripe bananas
3 heaping teaspoons of all natural cocoa powder
¼ cup of maple syrup 

In a blender add the full fat coconut milk, bananas and cocoa powder. Blend until smooth and thoroughly mixed. Taste it. Add the maple syrup to taste.
Place in your ice cream maker and churn for 15 minutes or until done.


Just buy some of this in the store (Food Lion in 7 Lakes or Whole Foods).
BUT, don't over eat!  This is a once-a-month treat!  Unless you are really exercising every day.  Then, eat it for dinner every night!  LOL!


Snack on these.  Available at The Fresh Market and Whole Foods.  In a variety of flavors too!


THE BAD NEWS... the absolute "no no's."  Then, if you are still determined after that, you know you are ready.

No soft drinks, sugary drinks (even orange juice or lemonade), nothing with Splenda, and No Crystal Light.

What do you drink then?

WATER!  Cool, crisp, refreshing, water!  Want flavor?  Add some real lemon.


Unless it is in a few salad dressings and condiments, you must give up refined sugar!  Yes!  The white stuff in the bag! 


So, now that I have lost many viewers, I will continue.

Give up your caffeine!  Not right away, but gradually.  Hey, I didn't say this would be a trip to Disney.  I'm just walking you through the steps I did to lose weight and keep it off.

If you want to replace your sugar with Stevia that is okay I guess, but I went cold turkey.  I don't even like the taste of sugar or Stevia anymore.

How do I sweeten things?  Honey, Pure Organic Maple Syrup, or coconut nectar.

Give up all white breads and pastas.  There are other alternatives, trust me.  I'm just trying to weed out some folks.  


Give up most processed foods.  For example: frozen pizza, frozen dinners, Doritos and other chips and bagged foods, Twinkies, anything Hostess, donuts, and processed cookies.  

Sorry!  Give up ALL fast foods ESPECIALLY MCDonald's and ALL FRIED FOODS  :(


Okay, here is the kicker... if you haven't clicked the x on the top of your screen yet, you probably will after this.

I gave up all red meat and ALL dairy.  Yes, that includes yogurt, cheese, ice cream, and milk. 

So, what can I eat?????

SALADS!!!  Lots of them!  Not ice berg lettuce!  Try mixed greens with spinach and add some arugula or kale sometimes.  Romaine for some crunch.  Add grilled meats and fresh veggies on top!

**  Did you know that if you add nuts or seeds to your salad it will cause your body to digest your food slower and therefore allowing your body time to soak in the nutrients in the salad?

Eat tons of fruits and veggies!  Sweet potatoes in the microwave topped with honey and cinnamon or even baked sweet potato fries with Cajun seasoning!  Yum!

The only meat I eat is fish occasionally, so I also drink one of these about every other day just to make sure I get my protein!  (By the way, veggies contain protein too and broccoli has more calcium than milk!)  

I get this on, but you can stick to your grilled meats if you like.  

On a brighter note, there are replacements for the fun foods we love that are excellent for your body and mind!


**  I'm not a true vegan, by the way.  I do eat egg whites and fish occasionally.      :)

- Instead of dairy ice cream, try almond or coconut milk ice cream.


- Instead of bread, eat Gluten free Brown Rice Bread

** Note: Don't think you can eat gluten free snacks and lose weight!  They are still loaded with processed ingredients.  I only eat gluten free if the ingredients are mainly brown rice flour.

- Instead of pasta, eat spaghetti squash or homemade sweet potato gnocchi

- Eat as much brown rice as you want.

* The Fresh Market in Southern Pines and Harris Teeter make amazing brown rice sushi take-out.  :)


- Instead of regular flour use arrowroot flower or brown rice flour


- Still use baking powder, xanthan gum, and baking soda.   :)


- Although I have been chicken free for about 5 months, and forever pork and red meat free, you may enjoy any grilled meat, but I would keep red meat to a once a week serving and all other meats to a once a day serving.

I must share with you though, that when I gave up chicken, I miraculously dropped another 7 lbs. in one month.  Ever wonder what they are injecting into chickens?  What if they are injecting hormones or steroids to make them bigger to sell more chickens, but in turn, it's really making us bigger?  Just a thought.


- I eat about 10 cashews a day as a mid-morning snack.

- I make my own chocolate and chocolate treats!

Basic chocolate:  stir together 1/4 cup melted coconut oil, 1/4 cup cacao powder, and enough maple syrup to sweeten.  Pour in chocolate trays or on the bottom of cupcake papers.  Refrigerate until hard and eat.  

Or try raw "peanut butter cups."
recipe 1
recipe 2

Just remember though, you can't eat a few of these peanut butter cups and then munch on some cake or regular cookies afterwards.  This has to be an all or nothing commitment!  


If you are at a party or an event and you see that fried hors d' oeuvre or that piece of cake or cookie, you MUST steer clear!  You wouldn't say to yourself, "Well, just a little crack is okay.  I'm at a party."  Or "I'll just have a bite of that cocaine."   

Now, I did have a few bites of a cookie at a New Year's Eve Party last week, but my stomach did not approve.  If you change your eating habits, your body will too reject junk automatically.


News flash!!!!

I never gave up any fruit, raisins, craisins, nuts, avocado, or condiments like honey mustard, barbecue sauce, hoisin sauce, duck sauce, or salad dressings.  I ate as much as I wanted of these items.

By the way, that gastroenternolgist I mentioned who told me to stay away from fat to save my gallbladder?  Well, I eat tons of fat in avocados, nuts, seeds, coconut oil and milk, and almond milk.  So what's the deal with that?

I did make minor adjustments however.

* I replaced regular catsup with unsweetened catsup
* I replaced regular soy sauce with liquid aminos
* I replaced all salad dressings containing dairy, high fructose corn syrup, and processed ingredients with all natural dressings or ones I made myself.
* I don't eat soy
* I don't eat wheat
* I gave up white potatoes for the first five months.  I eat them now about once a month.
* I eat some brown rice pasta now about once every 2 weeks, but not within the first five months.


I have always incorporated 2 processed foods into my lifestyle change, which I will share, because for me, it wasn't about a diet.  I truly had to adopt something I was going to be satisfied with for THE REST OF MY LIFE!

So here they are:

#1  Enjoy Life Chocolate Chips

#2  Daiya Vegan Cheese 


Now, let me make myself clear.  When I refer to frozen, processed crap, I don't mean food that is frozen.  You can freeze shrimp and they still only contain one ingredient - shrimp.

When I say processed crap, I mean foods with more ingredients than you can count or even pronounce.  This is what makes us fat!

For example, my kids and I love these things.  Available at 7 Lakes Food Lion.  I dip them in honey mustard.  :)

Just look at the ingredients:

Compared to the ingredients of processed fish sticks.

Both are technically processed, but you can tell the difference by looking at the ingredients which one your body will have a more difficult time digesting.  

The more the body has to think during the digestion process, the more fat is stored!


Some other things in my pantry...

More Recipes

Pizza Crust #1

Crust Ingredients

1.25 cups flaxseed meal
1 cup Almond flour/ meal
1 teaspoon sea salt
2 teaspoons natural baking powder
1 tablespoon honey
1 teaspoon Italian mixed dried herbs
3 large eggs, beaten until smooth  (apple sauce instead of eggs if vegan)
3 tablespoons olive oil
½ cup water

Just mix together with hands and flatten onto a pizza stone sprayed with olive oil spray.  Wet your hands so the dough will not stick while you press it down.

Cook for 15 min

Then put sauce and toppings and cook for another 10 min

Pizza Crust #2

2 cups Almond meal  
1/2 cup Coconut flour
Red pepper flakes
2 eggs
1 Tbs natural baking powder
Little water

Mix dry ingredients 
Then stir in eggs and water
Roll into ball

Flatten onto pizza stone greased with organic olive oil spray 


Don't feel like making everything yourself?

Quick snack ideas that never put on pounds for me from The Julian Bakery.


Where can you go out to eat?

Definitely not Olive Garden!  Sorry!

Longhorns, Texas Roadhouse, and OutBack are fine!  Here's what you order:

A piece of grilled fish, chicken, or steak or grilled shrimp
A baked sweet potato PLAIN!
A salad with dressing other than Ranch
Steamed veggies

No dessert


Brixx Wood Fired Pizza 

Order a veggie lovers pizza on a gluten free crust with vegan cheese

No dessert here either!

Places I really enjoy!

Luna's Living Kitchen in Charlotte

and guess what?

You can have dessert at all these places!


More to come...

Next post:  My Delicious Healthy Patty Recipes 
With Dipping Sauces 
(Yes!  These are mine!)

In future posts you will see different healthy meal ideas.

Good Luck and stay healthy, not hungry!

God Bless.
