Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Feed Your Taste Bud Cravings!

Just an update...

Since I have changed my eating ways, completely cutting out processed foods and increasing my vegetable intake, I have not had one cold, respiratory illness, or digestive issue.  This is now going on almost a year and a half!  Yes!  My gallbladder is still with me people!  Don't forget that a year and a half ago doctors told me I would have to have it removed!  I also had a mammogram last month and I am still cancer free!

I am finding through this new way of eating, that our taste buds do crave the following tastes and textures:

- sweet
- tangy
- crunchy (crispy)
- salty
- creamy
- fluffy

What I Used to Eat
What I Eat Now
sweet Candy, chocolate, cakes Homemade chocolate (in previous post), add maple syrup to any dish, fruit, mashed fruit toppings
tangy Any store bought sauce with high fructose corn syrup, dyes, MSG, sugar, preservatives Mashed apricots with maple syrup and apple cider vinegar, dehydrated fruit leather
crunchy Chips, toasted bread, french fries Dehydrated sweet potatoes, kale, baked sweet potato fries, dehydrated flax chips (ground flax meal, coconut nectar, and zucchini spread thin on dehydrator tray overnight)

Overcooked "Nature Pats" in previous post
salty salt, pretzels, crackers Pink Himalayan Salt (less salt, but I still eat salt) :)
Dehydrate some banana or sweet potato slices and sprinkle with salt.
creamy Dairy Ice cream, pudding, cream cheese, goat cheese, all melted cheese Coconut or almond milk ice cream, almond chocolate pudding, Daiya Cheeses, pudding made from avocado, cacao powder, and maple syrup
fluffy Pizza crust, bread, pasta Pizza crust made from almond flour or cauliflower, almond flour bread (gluten free), sweet potato gnocchi

In a VEGAN mood?

I have stumbled upon the most amazing youtube "cooking" videos!  This girl, Laura Miller, is absolutely fantastic!

Please check her out and subscribe!



It's SPRING!!!

Time to get the garden ready for planting!
I am NO Green Thumb, so this is my goal for a positive experience:

cherry tomatoes

We shall start with that.

Looking forward to wearing a bikini for the first time since college! 

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